

Complete NGINX Cookbook Notes

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我们都清楚 O’Reilly Cookbook 类型的书籍的风格,主要行文风格都是提出问题,给出答案并解决问题。


  • Part I: Load Balancing and HTTP Caching(负载平衡和HTTP缓存)
  • Part II: Security and Access (安全和访问)
  • Part III: Deployment and Operations (部署和运营)


  • 第一部分:

第一章 High-Performance Load Balancing (高性能负载均衡)

1.1 HTTP Load Balancing(http负载均衡)

upstream backend {
    server weight=1;
    server app.example.com:80 weight=2;
server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://backend;


更多配置可以访问 https://docs.w3cub.com/nginx/stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module/#upstream

1.2 TCP Load Balancing (TCP负载均衡)

stream {
    upstream mysql_read {
        server read1.example.com:3306 weight=5;
        server read2.example.com:3306;
        server backup;
    server {
        listen 3306;
        proxy_pass mysql_read;

1.3 Load-Balancing Methods (负载均衡方法)

The following load-balancing methods are available for upstream HTTP, TCP, and UDP pools:


Round robin ( weight=x)
Least connections (least_conn)
Least time (least_time)
Generic hash (hash)
IP hash (ip_hash)

阅读: https://docs.w3cub.com/nginx/stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module/

1.4 Connection Limiting (连接数限制)

upstream backend {
    zone backends 64k;
    queue 750 timeout=30s;
    server webserver1.example.com max_conns=25;
    server webserver2.example.com max_conns=15;

第二章 Intelligent Session Persistence (智能会话持久性)

2.1 Sticky Cookie (粘性Cookie)

You need to bind a downstream client to an upstream server

sticky cookie 指令

upstream backend {
    server backend1.example.com;
    server backend2.example.com;
    sticky cookie

2.2 Sticky Learn

You need to bind a downstream client to an upstream server by using an existing cookie.

sticky learn 指令

upstream backend {
    server backend1.example.com:8080;
    server backend2.example.com:8081;
    sticky learn

2.3 Sticky Routing


map $cookie_jsessionid $route_cookie {
    ~.+\.(?P<route>\w+)$ $route;
map $request_uri $route_uri {
    ~jsessionid=.+\.(?P<route>\w+)$ $route;
upstream backend {
    server backend1.example.com route=a;
    server backend2.example.com route=b;
    sticky route $route_cookie $route_uri;

2.4 Connection Draining

You need to gracefully remove servers for maintenance or other reasons while still serving sessions.

curl 'http://localhost/upstream_conf?upstream=backend&id=1&drain=1'

第五章 Massively Scalable Content Caching (大规模可扩展的内容缓存)

5.1 Caching Zones (缓存区)

You need to cache content and need to define where the cache is stored.

Use the proxy_cache_path directive to define shared memory cache
zones and a location for the content:

proxy_cache_path /var/nginx/cache
proxy_cache CACHE;

5.2 Caching Hash Keys

You need to control how your content is cached and looked up.

Use the proxy_cache_key directive, along with variables to define
what constitutes a cache hit or miss:

proxy_cache_key "$host$request_uri $cookie_user";

5.3 Cache Bypass

Use the proxy_cache_bypass directive with a nonempty or nonzero
value. One way to do this is by setting a variable within location
blocks that you do not want cached to equal 1:

proxy_cache_bypass $http_cache_bypass;

The configuration tells NGINX to bypass the cache if the HTTP
request header named cache_bypass is set to any value that is not 0.

5.4 Cache Performance (性能)

location ~* \.(css|js)$ {
  expires 1y;
  add_header Cache-Control "public";

5.5 Purging ()

map $request_method $purge_method {
    PURGE 1;
    default 0;
server {
    location / {
        proxy_cache_purge $purge_method;

Part II: Security and Access(安全和访问)

第十一章 Controlling Access

11.1 Access Based on IP Address


location /admin/ {
    allow 2001:0db8::/32;
    deny all;

11.2 Allowing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

跨域资源共享, 这里的OPTIONS 处理可以参考

map $request_method $cors_method {
    OPTIONS 11;
    GET 1;
    POST 1;
    default 0;
server {
    location / {
        if ($cors_method ~ '1') {
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
        if ($cors_method = '11') {
            add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
            add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
            add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
            return 204;

第十二章 Limiting Use (限制使用)

12.1 Limiting Connections

You need to limit the number of connections based on a predefined key, such as the client’s IP address.

limit_conn 指令

http {
    limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limitbyaddr:10m;
    limit_conn_status 429;
    server {
        limit_conn limitbyaddr 40;

This configuration creates a shared memory zone named limit
byaddr. The predefined key used is the client’s IP address in binary
form. The size of the shared memory zone is set to 10 mega‐
bytes. The limit_conn directive takes two parameters: a
limit_conn_zone name, and the number of connections allowed.
The limit_conn_status sets the response when the connections are
limited to a status of 429, indicating too many
requests. The limit_conn and limit_conn_status directives are
valid in the HTTP, server, and location context.

12.2 Limiting Rate


http {
    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr
        zone=limitbyaddr:10m rate=1r/s;
    limit_req_status 429;
    server {
        limit_req zone=limitbyaddr burst=10 nodelay;

12.3 Limiting Bandwidth

带宽限制, 自动降速

location /download/ {
    limit_rate_after 10m;
    limit_rate 1m;

第十三章 Encrypting

13.1 Client-Side Encryption

You need to encrypt traffic between your NGINX server and the client.

加密传输,SSL modules such as the ngx_http_ssl_module or ngx_stream_ssl_module

http { # All directives used below are also valid in stream
    server {
        listen 8433 ssl;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
        ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
        ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/conf/cert.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/conf/cert.key;
        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
        ssl_session_timeout 10m;


13.2 Upstream Encryption

You need to encrypt traffic between NGINX and the upstream service
and set specific negotiation rules for compliance regulations
or if the upstream is outside of your secured network.

location / {
    proxy_pass https://upstream.example.com;
    proxy_ssl_verify on;
    proxy_ssl_verify_depth 2;
    proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;

第十四章 HTTP Basic Authentication

分为两个步骤,创建密码文件, 设定nginx 配置

14.1 Creating a User File


# comment


openssl passwd MyPassword1234

14.2 Using Basic Authentication

location / {
    auth_basic "Private site";
    auth_basic_user_file conf.d/passwd;

第十五章 HTTP Authentication Subrequests

15.1 Authentication Subrequests

Use the http_auth_request_module to make a request to the
authentication service to verify identity before serving the request:

location /private/ {
    auth_request /auth;
    auth_request_set $auth_status $upstream_status;
location = /auth {
    proxy_pass http://auth-server;
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
    proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;

16.1 Securing a Location

Use the secure link module and the secure_link_secret directive
to restrict access to resources to users who have a secure link:

location /resources {
    secure_link_secret mySecret;
    if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
    rewrite ^ /secured/$secure_link;
location /secured/ {
    root /var/www;

16.2 Generating a Secure Link with a Secret (生成一个安全链接)

You need to generate a secure link from your application using a

The secure link module in NGINX accepts the hex digest of an md5
hashed string, where the string is a concatenation of the URI path
and the secret.

echo -n 'index.htmlmySecret' | openssl md5 -hex

(stdin)= a53bee08a4bf0bbea978ddf736363a12


import hashlib


Now that we have this hash digest, we can use it in a URL. Our
example will be for www.example.com making a request for the
file /var/www/secured/index.html through our /resources location.
Our full URL will be the following:


16.3 Securing a Location with an Expire Date

location /resources {
    root /var/www;
    secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;
    secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri$remote_addr
    if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
    if ($secure_link = "0") { return 410; }

secure_link directive 有两个参数,第一个参数是保存md5哈希的变量;第二个参数是保存链接的到期时间(Unix epoch time format)

16.4 Generating an Expiring Link

创建一个时间戳(Unix epoch time format)

date -d "2020-12-31 00:00" +%s --utc
# 1609372800

Next you’ll need to concatenate your hash string to match the string
configured with the secure_link_md5 directive. In this case, our
string to be used will be 1293771600/resources/
index.html127.0.0.1 mySecret. The md5 hash is a bit different
than just a hex digest. It’s an md5 hash in binary format, base64 enco‐
ded, with plus signs (+) translated to hyphens (-), slashes (/) trans‐
lated to underscores (_), and equal (=) signs removed. The following
is an example on a Unix system:

 echo -n '1609372800/resources/index.html127.0.0.1 mySecret' \
| openssl md5 -binary \
| openssl base64 \
| tr +/ -_ \
| tr -d =
# TG6ck3OpAttQ1d7jW3JOcw

Now that we have our hash, we can use it as an argument along with
the expire date:


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from base64 import b64encode
import hashlib
# Set environment vars
resource = b'/resources/index.html'
remote_addr = b''
host = b'www.example.com'
mysecret = b'mySecret'
# Generate expire timestamp
now = datetime.utcnow()
expire_dt = now + timedelta(hours=1)
expire_epoch = str.encode(expire_dt.strftime('%s'))
# md5 hash the string
uncoded = expire_epoch + resource + remote_addr + mysecret
md5hashed = hashlib.md5(uncoded).digest()
# Base64 encode and transform the string
b64 = b64encode(md5hashed)
unpadded_b64url = b64.replace(b'+', b'-')\
    .replace(b'/', b'_')\
    .replace(b'=', b'')
# Format and generate the link
linkformat = "{}{}?md5={}?expires={}"
securelink = linkformat.format(

第二十章 Practical Security Tips

20.1 HTTPS Redirects

Use a rewrite to send all HTTP traffic to HTTPS:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    server_name _;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

20.2 Redirecting to HTTPS Where SSL/TLS Is Terminated Before NGINX

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    server_name _;
    if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = 'http') {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

This configuration is very much like HTTPS redirects. However, in
this configuration we’re only redirecting if the header X-Forwarded-Proto is equal to HTTP.

20.3 HTTP Strict Transport Security

You need to instruct browsers to never send requests over HTTP

Use the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) enhancement by
setting the Strict-Transport-Security header:

add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;

This configuration sets the Strict-Transport-Security header to a
max age of a year. This will instruct the browser to always do an
internal redirect when HTTP requests are attempted to this domain,
so that all requests will be made over HTTPS.

20.4 Satisfying Any Number of Security Methods

Use the satisfy directive

location / {
    satisfy any;
    deny all;
    auth_basic "closed site";
    auth_basic_user_file conf/htpasswd;

本文: https://github.com/icai/nginxcooking


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